#!/usr/bin/env sh # # https://www.qs5.org/Post/734.html (ImDong ) _echo() { local test=$(echo "\n") if [ "${test}" == "\n" ]; then echo -e $@ else echo $@ fi } user="$1" if [ -z "${user}" ]; then read -p "Please enter a username for github.com/" user fi if [ -z "${user}" ]; then _echo "Add https://github.com/\${USER_ID}.keys to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys\n" _echo "Please add SSH Key to https://github.com/settings/keys\n" _echo "Usage: \n1. bash -c \"\$(curl -s keys.qs5.org)\"\n2. curl -s keys.qs5.org | sh -s github_username" exit 1 fi _echo "your github username is ${user}\n" keys=$(curl -s "https://github.com/${user}.keys" | sed "s/$/ github.com\/${user}/") _echo "The following will be added to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys\n" _echo "${keys}\n" read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press any key to confirm, press Ctrl+C to terminate." if [ ! -d "~/.ssh" ]; then mkdir -p ~/.ssh fi echo "${keys}" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys _echo "\ndone ^-^."